


Hi, I am Ashley. 

25 years old, Denver CO, 6 years behind the lens.

I am a photographer who finds joy in creating, capturing, and preserving.

I am excited to bring a presence of  my creative and goofy side to the web through this handy dandy blog. There is so much I want to create and share. Along with all the things I want to learn from others as well.

I am hoping to feature session sneak peaks, create fun photo challenges, showcase projects,  share helpful tips, reviews, and tutorials.

I’d like to write on the real nitty gritty of starting up in photography. I’ve learned a lot from trial and error and I’d like to share my good (and  downright awful) personal experience. What I wish I had known then vs. now. There’s so much information compacted on any given topic from choosing lenses to post processing. I want to simply that to give general easy overviews on topics.

With that said, I am always open to questions and blog topics! Have something you want featured? I’ll be happy to try and cover it.


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